Tag: wellness

Creatures of Comfort

Change happens and it often comes with some discomfort.

Be Gentle, Be Honest, Be Kind

The more honest we are with ourselves, the more honest we can be with others. Compassion and kindness starts here.

Spring Cleaning & A Happy Home

Push past the winter blahs with these ideas for enjoying the little things and creating a home that makes you happy.

Letting Go… Again

I discovered mold in my home last week, at first forcing me to let go of some things. But then I had a choice of what to keep and what to release. And choice is hard.


Epiphany is more than a light in the sky or a sudden bright idea. That’s just the beginning.

Home is Inside You

Over the years, when I talk about my work researching the psychology of home, inevitably someone will say, โ€œHome is inside you.โ€ Yes, I smile. This is true. It took many years for me to experience this truth. One can know something intellectually but… Continue Reading “Home is Inside You”